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Old 08-30-2009, 08:46 AM   #7
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Re: Suggestion on my 56 chevy truck built.....

They used the 700 behind their v-8's also even their 4x4's. They also made a 200r4. All 700's have a ele. lockup. I used the 4l60e in my38 coupe behind a LT1, and I like it better than my 700r4 in my 57. Fixen to pull the 4 speed out of dads 56 beliar and put in a 700, he has a 396 big block in it. It sounds like it wants another gear at around 65-70, so were going to give it one.
'57 Chevy Pickup
'56 GMC LCF Cummins
'38 Chrysler Royal
'57 2wd change
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