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Old 09-05-2009, 11:28 AM   #9
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Re: 1966 Clutch question

Originally Posted by Captainfab View Post
Yes that bellcrank is just as GM made it. Where was that other bracket located? It is not a factory piece that I can tell. You will definitely need a new swivel on the rod. It is almost worn thru. What engine is in your truck?
You can use all the factory clutch linkage whether you have the SM420 or the saginaw 4 speed.
It has a 305 in it.. I didn't even notice the swivel on the rod was worn badly. I did notice the stripped threads on the end of the rod.. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Here's a pic of how it sits in the truck.. If you can see it in my earlier post the PO made a bracket and welded the pivot ball to it, relocating it about an inch foward. I guess it was because it broke or got stripped out or something. Thanks tx firefighter for the links. I'm guessing the threaded hole by the dipstick is where the pivot ball actually goes.

That was the reason I was worried about it, since he made that bracket I figured he bent the linkage to make it fit. But now I know.

Thanks alot guys..
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