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Old 09-07-2009, 12:24 AM   #5
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Re: Build resumed after a long break - 1969 C10

Oh believe me, I know!

Here's some in progress....most are from 2005-06. Again, I am just getting started again, but I am going to try to push the build as quickly as time and money allows.

Of course, half the floor in the original cab was 100% fiberglass cloth and Bondo.

And, actually most of the cab was pure Bondo. After finding a lot of rust between the dash and firewall, and removing the caulk and rivets that held in the wiper motor, I gave up (actually a lot of guys here suggested I just get a new cab)

So here is the new cab. Wasn't a lot of room in the garage back then.

Of course, there's the usual suspension horrors.

Lots of work to get everything off the front. Fast forward to yesterday. I finally was able to get the trailing arms with rear axle out of it.

Trailing arms look real bad. Do you guys think I should use these? Hard to tell from the pic, but they are rusted really bad in spots.

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