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Old 09-07-2009, 03:36 AM   #1
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Clutch pedal adjustment?

Excuse me if this is a stupid question...but my '79 C30 with 350/4 speed is my first manual. I don't know how it's "supposed" to feel, but I think the travel in the clutch pedal is excessive and so is the amount of pressure required to push it. After a short drive it makes the arthritis in my knee hurt.

After looking under the truck I can see the return spring - one end is attached to the pedal, the other is just hooked over a bolt on the exhaust manifold. Where is the return spring supposed to hook up to? And can I replace it with a weaker spring?

Also, there looks to be an adjustment for the amount of travel for the pedal...can anyone tell me what the correct procedure for adjusting it is?
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