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Old 09-07-2009, 05:58 PM   #2
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Location: Creston, BC Canada
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Re: Advice on the Breakdown of an S-10

The way that I approached it was to remove the tailights and de-wire (no cutting!) the rear end, box off. Then remove and de-wire the front end (fenders, hood and rad support) leaving the cooling system intact. De-wire and mark all connections in the cab and remove the cab. Keep the steering column, brake booster, pedal bracket, fuse block and all switches inside. Mine was badly rusted out so I cut up the cab and discarded. After all was said and done, I reconnected the wiring to the steering column and made sure I could start the truck up... this ensured I kept all the basic stuff required to make it run in the end!

After that... I just stripped the frame down for cleaning and repainting, new poly bushings throughout, replaced the rear end with a 4x4 one (3.42 gears, non posi (for now)), cut off all cab mounts and cleaned it up.

Everything from this point on is a massage to fit and install.

Hope this helps,
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