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Old 09-08-2009, 08:30 AM   #3
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Re: Installing flame throwers????

So the little black box do-dad from what I understand is mostly for fuel injection. There has to be an interrupt between the spark to the motor and divert it to the coils attached to the plugs in the exhaust. Other wise your not going to get enough fuel through the motor. On trucks like like ours its a lot easier. divert the signal from the points to the coil going to your exhaust via a toggle. Remember you are going to be dumping a lot of gas into the engine. do it to much and you will wash out your rings and really do some damage. If you want to get HUGE flames hook up propane and rig up a valve that will open when you hit the switch.. and you wont have to divert the spark and wont mess up your motor... unless you get a massive back draft. Google it, there are a lot of diagrams and info on the intrawebz. also... no need to type in all caps most of us can "hear" just fine.
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