Thread: wiring?
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Old 09-09-2009, 01:37 AM   #2
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Re: wiring?

If you've researched all the different brands and features available, and this fits within your budget it will probably work fine. I would however highly recommend you compare it feature for feature with each of the different brands available, and don't make your decision based on initial cost alone. A wiring harness is not something you want to be sorry about after you've installed it.

IMHO Ron Francis was the pioneer of aftermarket wiring and is stiill the best. I used one of their kits on my 1960 about 20 years ago and although it seemed outrageously expensive at the time, it was one of the best investments I made. On my previous rod, I had used a complete harness from a Chevy Nova, and needed spools of extra wire from the parts store. Ultimately I replaced the fuse panel with an aftermarket version, and when I figured it all out I had spent more than the cost of a good kit for a patched together mess with unmarked wire that wasn't fire resistant.

Painless is by far the best advertised wiring product on the market, but the main wiring is permanently attached to the back of the fuse panel, limiting flexibility (again in my opinion). No doubt it's a good product, everybody uses them.

The other consideration is how long you want to keep the truck, and what accessories you are likely to install, now or in the future. There are actually stock replacement harnesses that will work fine if that's all you need. I'd suggest you consider the total cost of whichever system you select. If you have to purchase extras later, the cost will end up higher than you anticipated.

Opinions from people that have actually installed the type you want are probably most valuable. I purchased one of the less expensive kits just for the wiring, and was amazed to find how poorly engineered the harness was. It had bundles of wires soldered together and wrapped in tape, and a very cheap fuse panel. I was really glad I didn't need to install it as a package.
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