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Old 09-09-2009, 11:11 AM   #7
The Older Generation

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Re: I've got Loose Balls!.....(rear view mirror)

Originally Posted by 69GMCLonghorn View Post
Why not return it and tell them to send you on that's not a piece of...
What 69GMCLonghorn suggests is definitely an option and if enough people did that they might get the message and fix the problem.

A solution I have used on a couple of old mirrors was to use a small, sharp (read pinpoint) center punch and punch a couple of places on the ball to tighten it up in the socket. You have to rotate the mirror to punch it so that the dimples will be inside the socket when the mirror is installed and adjusted. Don't get carried away with the punch, just do a couple of small ones and try it. It doesn't take much. You can always get more aggressive if the first time doesn't do it..... If you can't get it situated right to get it punched try having someone hold it while you punch it.


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Last edited by LockDoc; 09-09-2009 at 11:14 AM.
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