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Old 09-09-2009, 07:56 PM   #1
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Unhappy My new Blazer's Dirty little secret..

Hey everyone. I am hoping many of you will chime in here with some support and also repair advise.

I just got my 69 blazer last week. I has many great things about it that made me commit to buying it. 383, fuel injected, locker front and rear...

As the days go by I continue to learn new things about it.. when I raised it on a lift at work I found a fantastic bed floor and cab. It really is in great shape..

BUT . . today I noticed some pin holes in the upper A-pillar, yes rust. The area still seems strong, but none the less I am now very concerned I bought a nightmare.. I put a little rope caulk on the area to keep new water from getting in there.. I now know that this is a problem to look for on these models.. from what I read here..

OK guys.. help with my depression and hit me with some advise from those of you that have dealt with this issue... thanks !!
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