69 long fleet- First build
Well, I'll start by telling a little about the truck. It was my stepdads, we did some work on it. He got cancer. We sold the truck. I bought it back. It sat in my backyard for 2 years. Bought a running 72 and swapped for the disc brakes, and 5 lug rearend. Sold the 72. The 69 sat another 5 years... My 8 y/o begged me to do something with it, so.... now begins a learning experience for us in a lot of ways. I'll post as I can, but here is what I'm working with so far.
69 Long Fleet - Project
06 Ram 1ton Cummins 4x4-DD
01 Tahoe- wifes
" The quality of a persons life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor." ~ Vince Lombardi
"A dream doesn't become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination and hard work." ~ Colin Powell
my, um, build