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Old 09-10-2009, 04:58 PM   #7
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Re: Does trouble code mean automatic check engine light on?

Originally Posted by 1972SuperCheyenne View Post
If it had a stored code in it the light would come on and stay on. Since it is not OBD2, once you turn the key off and re-start your truck, the code is erased. Sounds like your throttle body may be leaking down causing a flooded situation that clears up once run for a minute. When you turn the truck off, remove the air cleaner and look down into the throttle body (dont move throttle) and see if there is fuel dripping. Could also be a faulty coolant temp sensor for the ECU. Good luck and hope you get it fixed.
Tonight I am going to start the truck as suggested and then after turning it off, check for dripping fuel. If it's dripping, it would be dripping on top of the valves right? What I did last night though was just open the valves by hand and look down in the bottom of the intake. There was fuel pooled at the bottom. Not alot, but pattern of the intake bottom looked like the element on a stove (circular pattern), and the fuel was standing in those grooves. Should it be dry? It hadn't been started for 24 hours. I'm also going to do as someone in another post suggested and put a timing light on the injectors when it's running and see what the pattern looks like. Currently, white smoke when it starts for the first time, and a really heavy gas smell always. Coolant temp sensor and idle air valve both new.
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