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Old 09-11-2009, 12:22 PM   #334
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Re: The Project Havoc....

Well, the wife, Harleigh and me went to a friends the other day in the truck, we were leaving and i got in the passeger seat and mel looks at me like, what are you doing, i told Mel to get in and drive, you should have seen her face it was priceless, she was so nervous and excited. She loved it, I have been waiting for that day, it was just awesome. letting her drive my truck. She gave her a little fuel once and the grin on her face was priceless, worth everything. anyways a couple pics. Oh i also needed some tunes so i threw in some stuff i had laying around for now, no point in putting in my good stere yet, just something to play a little AC/DC and such. Also added a little home security protection to her, since Havoc has to sit outside for now. Later guys.
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1968 GMC "HAVOC"
1986 GMC "Frank"
J.J.R.H. Design & Consulting

My 68`Rebuild "HAVOC":
A 58' chev build thread:
1969 Camaro Pro Touring
Swiss Cheese:
Adjustable Trailing Arm How-To:
1968 Ford Farm Truck:
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