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Old 09-13-2009, 03:10 PM   #1
Formerly- 1972SuperCheyenne
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Wake Forest NC
Posts: 5,782
Talking Road trip, new project, 86 Silverado

Ok guys, let me start off by saying, 15 hrs. 800 miles, and 3 states away is a long trip to pick up that next driver/project truck. As it turns out though, very much worth the drive. I posted an ad a while ago looking for a 81-87 Silverado. And lo and behold, someone on here had one for sale. (go figure)
That being said, after alot of phone conversations, countless photo's, and alot of trust on both parties behalf, a deal was struck. Needless to say, after that long of a drive, i wasn't going home with an empty trailer in tow. I dont have a name yet, but I'm sure it'll come to me. Thanks to the previous owner for the trust and honesty throughout the entire process. He is a great guy to deal with and nothing but honest in every aspect. Thanks again man. He will remain nameless unless he wants to speak up but I'm sure the truck will be recognized by someone. Well, here it is. Hope you guys dont mind me hanging around.
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