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Old 09-13-2009, 10:32 PM   #1
Hollister Road Co.
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55-59 Firewall Replacement

I just finished replacing a firewall on a 56 and thought I would share the info. The idea was to clean up the firewall and smooth out the upper section. The owner wanted to get a premade firewall that was recessed but cost was a big factor in they way we did this one. As you can see the original was very damaged from a clutch explosion and far beyond repairing. We priced a firewall and floor section at about $675 plus about $150 in shipping. We also priced a sheet of 16 gage 4'X8' @ $38.00. We went with the 4x8 sheet.

The pictures that follow are fairly self explanitory but I'll fill in where I think some detail is needed.

We made a cardboard template that fit the way we wanted the completed firewall to look. Using a hot glue gun to attach the various pieces and firm up the model made it much easier.
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