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Old 09-14-2009, 06:18 PM   #5
Wide n'Low
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Re: Project 'Calico' 72 swb

Originally Posted by OARNGESI View Post
when you get the axles redrilled can you let us know a price im prolly going to have do the same shortly i know know you can get new axles but redrilling old ones should be cheaper

According to their website, Dutchman's charges the following
  1. Remove old bearings & Magnaflux inspect bearing journal-most $30 $40 (Mopar 8 3/4 & Set 20 taper roller $50pr)
  2. Change pattern-rear rotors or drums $30 $45
  3. Change pattern-axle flanges (No plugging or flange buildup) $35 $65
  4. Change pattern-axle flanges (Plug old holes) $60 $110
  5. Change pattern-axle flanges (Build up flange OD & plug holes) $120 $195
  6. Change pattern-front hubs or rotors (Depends on job details) $225pr/up
  7. Turn down oversize drum pilot register (If studs are removed) $20 $40

Here is the website

For me it works, they are only 15 minutes from where I work..
Trippin Hazard.. 67 swb,
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Air Force Retired
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