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Old 09-14-2009, 08:21 PM   #22
Dan in Pasadena
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Re: Buy a Wood Bed Kit or Make one

Thanks TR. From your pictures I would never have guessed "black deck stain". I love the depth of a thick clear coat, but I wonder if such would really last in the sun? Too many times I've seen it look cloudy and chipped around the edges.

MBGMike - Automotive clear OVER urethane? Can I ask why? Was this intentional or did you change your mind? Was the urethane applied with a spray gun?

I've read articles over the years about how to do bed wood. One I remember had the first coat thinned about half and after it was applied, it was driven into the wood grain with a squeegee! They may have done this more than one coat. THen it was light sand, recoat a couple times and a final (I think) of a very light sand with like 1500 grit and a final polish and wax. That's a LOT of work. I'd be willing to do it if I thought it would last with regular waxing. But if its gonna crap out regardless because of UV, then...I guess I'd better find another finish.
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