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Old 09-15-2009, 11:52 AM   #20
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Location: Carthage, Texas
Posts: 81
Re: Pink Dually of Death

no the ting isn't dead just hacked to ****.... i figured that since i was working so much i would take it to a place and have them build it in a reasonable amount of time... well turns into a year or deal and i start harping on the shop owner he just throws the back half together.. needless to say ill be redoing the back half of the truck starting this weekend once it dries up from all this rain.. trucks not dead just been on another persons time.. now its on mine.. cab will be pulled off this week some time along with the 2x4x1/4" tube to redo the backhalf...

can you say not centered

ill be using maybe the lower link bars if they are even the same length.... everything else with be scrapped or used as other parts if i can find anything actually useable

it looks as if a 5 year old welded on it.... i can lay jb weld down better than what he did

Last edited by Str8Ugly; 09-15-2009 at 11:53 AM.
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