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Old 09-15-2009, 05:59 PM   #4
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Re: Getting closer on my 67 stepside

It's been a while. The truck is almost done. Just got the exhaust in. I still need to add a roll pan to hide the gas tank better and it should slide right in above the exhaust pipes.Name:  Sept%2012%202009%20%282%29.JPG
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The axles and rotors are swapped and ready for my wheels and tires, which I had waited for almost 5 months for Torq Thrust II's. I finally gave up and ordered C5 Coys, which are supposed to be in any day now. Right now the truck is riding on some sporty whitewalls from a '58 Edsel (the only thing the guys could find in their shop that fit). They have done a lot of things that I wasn't up to doing.

The engine is pretty much ready to fire except for plug wires

Bed kit, a few nuts and bolts here and there and it is ready to go. Hopefully I will have some finished pictures in a few weeks!
67 Stepside
Atomic Orange
Fastburn 385

The wheels are
fronts are 255-45-18 with 5" bs. 18x8 wheel
rears are 295-45-20 with 5" bs. 20x10 wheel (barely fit)

Budget: A method for going broke methodically.
You only live once!
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