It's been a while. The truck is almost done. Just got the exhaust in. I still need to add a roll pan to hide the gas tank better and it should slide right in above the exhaust pipes.
The axles and rotors are swapped and ready for my wheels and tires, which I had waited for almost 5 months for Torq Thrust II's. I finally gave up and ordered C5 Coys, which are supposed to be in any day now. Right now the truck is riding on some sporty whitewalls from a '58 Edsel (the only thing the guys could find in their shop that fit). They have done a lot of things that I wasn't up to doing.
The engine is pretty much ready to fire except for plug wires
Bed kit, a few nuts and bolts here and there and it is ready to go. Hopefully I will have some finished pictures in a few weeks!