Day three - Re-construction: "Let the Games Begin!"
John & I started the day off making a list of what we wanted to accomplish today, and then another list of what we needed to buy to make that happen.
Today's objective was to get the crossmember installed, engine bolted in, steering box & brake booster installed. We tooled down to the hardware store & dropped a cool benjamin on some new shiny zinc coated grade 8 bolts, nuts, washers and some shop supplies.
Then we headed back to the shop to dig in.....

The "new" cross member goes up for the first dry fit!

The six 1/2" bolts on the bottom fit perfectly and so did 2 of the 4 on top. All together 4 out of 14 had to be drilled.

This bolt on each side needed to be "augered" out a bit...

And this one needed a new hole to be drilled.

New hole drilled....

This one elongated just a smidge.