Re: It's Time??? Need Opinions
Thanks for all the replies - but the search is over and the deciosion made. After loosing out on a couple of earlier deals (waiting too long), we pulled the trigger on the Sierra this evening. Got it for $19,900 (Canadian), which was their asking price, but they also threw in the electronic rust module.
After taking if for another longer ride we were sold - very quiet solid truck. I had some trouble engaging the 4WD low, so I asked the sales guy about it. We got it to go in, but then it would not come back out - obvioulsy a solenoid problem - possibly from not being used.
So, that is being fixed tomorrow, along with a minor windshield chip and rust module. Then it's off to the insurance place to get my plates - - OUCH. It'll definitely cost more to insure than my '86.
Now the last question is (and I may start a new opinion thread)... Do I buy an extended warrantee. We could get 2 yr, 24,000 km (15,000 miles) for about $2100. but I'm not sure it's worth it. Any thoughts?
Oh, and here she is...