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Old 09-18-2009, 01:06 PM   #13
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Re: It's Time??? Need Opinions

Originally Posted by JohnC View Post
...I do have a question though. What is an Electronic Rust Module? I guess from being down south I have never heard of this.
Thanks for all the input Guys - I'm starting to lean away from the Warranty.

As for the Rust Module, they go by many different names, but the principle is the same. I am no expert, but it's a 12V module with magnetic contacts that energize the metal parts of the vehicle. Escentially positively charging the steel and preventing the oxidation (rusting) process.

The technology is just breaking into the automotive market, but has been used widely in industrial settings to protect exterior steel (i.e. northern fuel tank farms, etc.). It is proven in those areas, but the automotive area is still a ??? But for the price, it's worth a try.

Like I said, there are many brands, and this is not mine, but here is some reading...

Last edited by Zilverado; 09-18-2009 at 01:43 PM.
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