Thread: Hi from Idaho
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Old 09-20-2009, 02:22 AM   #1
Rob H
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Soda Springs, ID
Posts: 5
Hi from Idaho

Hi everyone, I've been a member for some time now, I just haven't been active due to the fact I've just been very busy the last couple of years (work related). I own a 72 GMC 1/2 T 4x4 and a 72 K5 4x4. Both medium blue in color. GMC is about used up due to rust runaway, and really it is still a good driver, but not worth trying to save (winter truck and JY parts runner.) K5 is an ongoing project. Paint is done and I'm nearing completion on the drive-train mods which include a warmed up 355 TPI SB using a MegaSquirt MS II ECM with a 700r4 and NP 241 TC out of a 90 suburban. I haven't yet lit the engine how this will all come together remains to be seen. Anyway, I wanted to say "hey" and what a great site I think this is. I'll have to figure out how to post some pics in the not to distant future.
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