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Old 09-20-2009, 01:58 PM   #10
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Re: Build resumed after a long break - 1969 C10

Little more progress. Finally the frame is stripped bare. Well of parts anyway, still plenty crusty.

I was going to drop it off for blasting Friday but ... the place I was going to take it said their blaster was broken and they didn't know when it would be running again. I called the only other close place I could find, and they do soda blasting. Not that I care what the frame is blasted with, but they wanted $140/hr as opposed to $75/hr that the first place quoted.

Argh. Might have to drive it out to one of the Dallas places ... not much going on in Ft. Worth it seems.

Oh well, so last night I picked up a 4.5" hole saw blade ($35, ouch!) and did my crossmember cutouts for the exhaust. Let me tell you how much fun this was. When I started the bottom hole, the pilot bit snapped. On top of that I could not loosen the set screw to replace it so I had to toss it out. Luckily I found my other mandrel and was able to finish without having to buy a replacement

All in all they came out pretty good. Picture stinks, but I think I actually got the holes even. My slightly smoking drill was not happy with me, however.

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