Clutch bleeding issues, Help!!
Just put new slave and clutch in my 96 F-150 I-6 4x4. Started bleeding with half pedal, enough to start in gear but not shift at all. Bled and bld and bled followed by a lil more bleeding. Read somewhere the master will trap air and you have to remove it from the firewall and tip the resevior end up higher. Did this put the master back on the firewall and tried bleeding again. Shortly therafter it got worse!. Now I push the clutch pedal and it sucks itself right down to the floor! You have to pull it back and now I am getting next to nothing out of the bleeder valve since the pedal just sucks itself right down. I am out of fluid for the night, the resevoir is full and the bleeder is cracked, let it set like that overnight. What else can I do? Opinions please.