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Old 09-21-2009, 12:42 AM   #8
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Re: Hard to find parts

Originally Posted by KQQL IT View Post
After *****in about it i look on flea bay and its the second item WTH... buyitnow rules
Did you buy it? I didn't see one.

Originally Posted by f.monroe View Post
81 doors are basically 77-87 doors with a few exceptions like glass thickness and the inside door handle itself so thos years would work for door panels . Dash panel had bright trim on the face of Cheyenne and Silverado models and the 78-80 dash bezel will work with the correct year dash pad . 81 and 82 will work but will require an 81/82 dash pad . The grilles can be had in good used condition . I dont think the aftermarket makes GMC grilles .
I did not know that about the thicker glass. I would assume that is a good thing. I have one question about your reply. I was looking @ 77-80 door panels and see different handles. What would I need to do to get them to work for me?

I have a set of cherry '81 doors with power that are going on the 81 C10. The doors that are currently on the C10 will come off and the guts will come out and go into some '86 blazer doors I have and go on the '76 K15. I think I need the 77-80 door panels for this one. (please correct me if I'm wrong on the fit). Is that confusing enough?

I found 77-80 dash panels @ brothers called blac/silver or balck/chrome. I am assuming that is the style I am after. What makes a instrument panel a 73-76 or 77-80?

Sorry about all the questions. You would think a body style that ran for 18 years would be easier than this.

1976 K15 Short/Step
1981 C10 short/wide
1994 K1500 ECSB

Last edited by xbanone; 09-21-2009 at 12:44 AM.
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