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Old 09-21-2009, 11:11 PM   #1
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Location: @ The Lake - Wagoner, OK
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Project - Driver

Well since my son got his 67 swb, I have had the fever to again own one myself, since it has been almost 15 years since I had my last '68 Stepper.

I of course missed a couple I really wanted, and then found this one, it wasnt really what I was looking for, but it had some goodies and the price was right.

So Labor day friday, it came home with me

68 SWB - Fresh Rebuild -327 Bored 30 over, P/S, Drums, New 17" Wheels Tires - 6 lug.

This was day one, after washing, my camera didnt save the pics on the trailer....Grrrr

After much inspecting and checking, I decided a basic plan of attack, as I still cannot decide if I am keeping or selling, so right now I am only doing the basics.

The aftermarket guages were installed, but non-functional. The wiring under the dash and the engine compartment was looking sad sad, and no lights were working. The transmission is bunred up, 700R4 not installed properly, no exhasut system, open headers, drip check had all been scraped out on the roof and not replaced, just very dirty in all areas.

The first weekend I spent re-wiring, the correct way , cleaning and detailing where possible. I repainted the valve covers and lettering as well.

The entire truck was scotchbrited, and deep cleaned, and I thought it needed some color to break it up.

Interior Cleanup, picked up a new/used carpet cheap and installed. All gagues now working.

Basic items left until I decide if keeping or selling:
Seat cover or Recover
Swapping out trans w/ TH 400 - 2500 Stall
Installing exhasut system - came w/ truck - is new never installed.
Came w/ bumpers - dented - chrome peeling - they have just been sprayed w/ Gatorhyde - Need to install.

I am at a stand still at the moment, as I had to spend all weekend cleaning out my shop after 10 years of accumulation. I am getting a concrete floor poured either this week or next week, as the rain wont stop here in Eastern Oklahoma. The shop is completely empty and waiting.

More progress to follow once the floor has been poured and I get to move back in.

During the waiting, I have found a complete stepside short bed, of which I perfer. I am waiting to go look at sometime this week, if I buy, I will more than likely keep this one and give my bed to my boy and he has all new parts for his bed that came w/ his truck, but no floor. We might sell his new parts and keep this original bed for him.

1968 SWB - Project JA
1969 Camaro RS/SS 396 Conv
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