Well my truck has been sitting for days waiting its turn. I haven't torn into this thing as much as I would like, but I don't want this to turn into a diassembled project that can't be funded and properly put back together.
So, untill then, it will patiently wait its turn.
Everyday I walk past it (to build on the Vette) and look at it as if it was the first day I saw it:
"What the ?!?!!!!"

(photoshop at will...you have my permission)

Although, this past weekend (wife took both kids out of town to grandmas) I stayed home for a childhood buddy's bachelor party (whole nother wild story) and managed to work on the "Rock-a-Chief" (un-official part of thread...named by kids, what the heck ??) despite a day and a half hang-over (man I'm a light weight !)

So...let's start at the CARB, shall we ??