


All done..ready to go on...

I wrapped my air-blow gun with a rag, stuck it in the tank, and blew out as much old fuel as I could.....poured that into my 91 Beater Corolla (

)...then in the tank went 5 gallons of fresh fuel.
I cut back the chock cable housing a bit, and cut the cable a bit to clean up the years of ghetto rigging.
She fired right up, and ran pretty smooth..despite an occasional misfire/pop/stumble at idle. Next will be a compression check (yea, I know...remember what your old teacher said..."Check the compression first, to make sure the engine WILL benefit from a tune-up")...
Hey man...the carb needed help anyway !!!
I'm sure the plugs are 'done' anyway...
If all that checks out...next will be int & exh gaskets...and a new fuel line correctly bent and routed !!