Re: Security
If they want it, they will get it. Now of course don't take that to mean that you do nothing but hope no one takes it. I would do hidden kill switches. If it's really nice, I would invest in Lojack. A good alarm will help, but make sure it's one where the key fob tells you when there is a problem. No one but you will pay attention to your alarm.
As far as security from other high schoolers, simply don't leave valuable things in the truck. If there is nothing valuable in there, they won't enter it. When I was a Junior in high school there was one day where six cars were broken into. It was only the cars that everyone knew had high dollar stereo systems in them. They were begging to have their cars broken into.
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't good for anything, but you can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.