Re: cheap horse power
A good quality sparkplug wire set (EXAMPLE: 8 MM MSD wires) with a low resistance rating. The more spark to the plug the better the fuel burn---not to mention the reduction of fuel wastage.
The increasing of the timing setting is a good one, as well as a good match on your tires to your gearing. Too tall of a tire will take away from the acceleration capabilities, to short of a tire will cause the engine to rev higher with no real production of work. What do you keep your tires inflated to? That will make a large difference in fuel economy and HP.
I put an electric fan setup on my DD truck and gained one MPG and a little horsepower from it. The mechanical fans eat about 8 HP.
What size of dual exhaust pipes did you use? Too small of piping will cause resistance int he exhaust and too large will cause a reversionary loss to your exhasut gases that will restrict the flow, also.
If you are interested the install of a MSD or another brand of a multi-spark ignition wil also give you a better use of your fuel that goes into the cylinders.