Thread: Security
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Old 09-23-2009, 01:58 PM   #25
Redefining LowBudget
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Re: Security

if you park with the nose in and wheel turned to the stop, it makes towing a PIA since when they grab and go it runs into the car next to it..yea I know no locking colunm but its a start the other thing is maybe a lock on the E brake set lock it at least this will slow them down....

as far as vent window yea you could weld it shut I'm still thrownng a rock threw the window or if I need to be quiet then a spring center punch and the glass falls on the and gone

I think french has the best Idea no wheel makes them hard to drive and an alarm that by passes the ingnition would be the best thing to slow a thief down or make them move on maybe a newer locking colunm would help.... you would need 2 keys to move it and I'm sure you could wire it so both needed to in the on pos.

what we need to do is make a list of the vonerable make the list and I'll tell yea if I could get by it
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