Thread: Security
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Old 09-23-2009, 03:22 PM   #9
Redefining LowBudget
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Re: Security

ok heres some tools all you have to do is defeet them to keep your trucks safe

bolt cutter
hack saw
3 feet wire (aligator clip on one end spade on the other)....
pocket knife
flat screwdiver
paper clip......trying to save your truck..
personal fav is an old screw in dent puller

none of these tools require breaking anything that couldn't be fixed in a couple min

keep in mind none of us I hope is a pro thief but if you can get into your truck and drive it of so can we can hope for is to deter them so they move to the next poor person ..... as far a tracking it if it get stolen I never want to see it again!!

I'm sorry if this offends some but I dabble in repos so I know easy picken's the worse thing is when they crank and won't start... its hard to driveaway with the alarm sounding if it won't start!! so I would say fuel shut off is a good place to start locking it down because we all know what makes and HEI work and how close the battery is
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