Re: Security
Hmmmm... you make life hard hottrucks. Now I've got to think about how to make my truck as bulletproof as a tank.
I still say if you can lock the engine somehow to keep it from spinning over unless you're the one starting it, then you're close. Towing trumps that though.
I would install an isolation circuit for the starter and hide it between the frame rails. Not just the control circuit, but the heavy pos feed as well so the thief doesn't simply jump the solenoid with a new hot wire from the battery. IF its a manual, he's then left with push starting.
Fuel shutoff is a very good idea. It's also harder to install and hide compared to an isolation circuit, but probably more foolproof if it can't be found. All the crucial circuits of our trucks can be bypassed with just a few wires and within a couple of seconds.
Someone else mentioned a brake valve that locks down tighter and tighter every time the brake is pushed. Activate that and they won't get far even if they can get the truck running.
As far as actually preventing someone from breaking into the cab, I got nothin'. A good start would be to lock the vent windows, but other than that...
anyone else got any ideas?