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Old 09-25-2009, 05:48 AM   #12
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Re: Torque Converter Lockup.

Originally Posted by joe231 View Post
do you have a mity-vac?
you can run the engine and check it with an ohm meter, at idle it should have continuity (contacts closed), rev the engine and the contacts should open. Mine, IIRC, has 2 green wires. one wire goes to the brake switch and the other goes to the transmission.
do you understand how it is supposed to work?


I have a 350C in my '80 and I just recently hooked it back up, so if you have any specific question let me know
You wouldn't have a copy of the wiring schematic? That would help me understand it better. I traced the two wires back to the cab and one of them that I am assuming connects to the brake switch is disconnected I hav not tracked down the other one yet. The schematic I have isn't corrrect. Thanks for the help.
1982 Chevy 4X4
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