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Old 09-25-2009, 09:52 AM   #7
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Re: TF bear claw kit

Originally Posted by Scottshotrods View Post
You can buy a double jaw bear claw latches and the install panles for $100.00
copmlete we have them in stock.

On your door jamb on the cab you can smooth that out completely and install
the striker that comes with our kit this way looks alot cleaner.

On your door jamb you will smooth that out as well we have installion kits
you will weld into the door jambs that will secure the new bear claw.
Total kit price is $100.00 and shipping is $18.00 to you have them in stock

We also have power door kits in stock with keyless remotes as well

scotts hotrods
So after the cost of the latches, universal plate, keyless entry, door poppers, bodywork, paint, and time how is this a more economical choice than a bolt-on kit that can be done at home in your garage in a weekend? This kit is available in steel as well. It can be welded in and smoothed out and you will still be left with exterior and interior handles as well as your exterior door locks. This kit isn't a universal bear claw latch, it is specifically designed to work with this truck. The plate is not universal, it is embossed to allow clearance between the latch and the trucks window track. The mounting holes have all been countersunk to match the factory panels. The mounting holes fit perfectly to the factory mounting locations on the doors. I went to your website and you do some awesome work, but to try to pass off universal latches as a more economical solution is doing an injustice to people. The most expensive version of this kit is $399.95. If you will find me the shop or do-it-yourselfer that can get these results for $399 using universal plates and latches I will retract what I have said.
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