Re: Help with front cross sill
The factory assembly manual will have the bolt/rivet dimensions. All I have is a TF manual. Maybe someone with a AD will look it up and post the difference.
This might help:
It has the spacing of the boards shown, which will show the difference in the locations. You could also match it up with one of the other cross sill to transfer the hole locations. Additional holes will not cause a problem the strength is in the vertical sides of the sill not the top.
1959 Chevy Short Fleetside w/ 74 4WD drive train (current project) OrrieG Build Thread
1964 Chevelle Malibu w/ 355-350TH (daily driver)
Helpful AD and TF Manual Site Old Car Manual Project
Last edited by OrrieG; 09-27-2009 at 01:42 PM.