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Old 09-27-2009, 06:38 PM   #6
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Re: I think my Blazer is a hybrid. Need help.

Or does it die even if you're running it?
Mine had Corroded wires/terminals on and around the battery but I couldn't see it until I cut back about 6 inches of the wires
my 67 Buick Electra was doin the same thing. I'd drive it and it would die on me and i couldn't figure it out. I replaced the starter when i bought it (was toast) replaced the alternator, battery, traced all my lines (no aftermarket accessories) changed all the fuses, checked all the grounds, cleaned the battery terminals, everything i could think of. Finally what I found out was that the negative cable had corroded halfway up the line. I found out when one day it wasn't starting and i had to go to work, so i hooked up my gf's car with jumper cables and was trying to get it to start and half the negative cable caught fire!! I replaced that and my problem was over.
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