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Old 09-28-2009, 02:57 PM   #12
Redefining LowBudget
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Re: chop the roof off it ??

there are 2 chop top truck farely close by one is Junk ( fleetside) the other is very nice ( stepside) niether have a very good look it seems that they get out of perpotion when they get chopped

That being said with all the lowring going on these days I havn't seen any channeled trucks?? Z'd yes but just not channeled old school style where you basicly cut the floor out of everything and drop the body and weld it back in?? Ok yea guys do it witht her bed by raising the floor for axle clearance but a full body drop?? guess I should check to see if this truck is a HIGH

I'm just kicking ideas around for something that is mostly labor we al know our time aint worth crap (ask my boss) will just be different while still keeping it looking like a truck........and I'm not a show and shine guy make it fun,work and make it safe
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