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Old 09-28-2009, 08:35 PM   #20
Redefining LowBudget
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: lebanon Cow Hampshire
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Re: chop the roof off it ??

yea things are pretty quiet and I have tendincy to park up front reguardless of parking spaces I find that the more people around it the less likely some jackazz will jump into it and try to drive off....I'll tell one quick story that happened years ago
I was in doing laundry at the laundry mat lady comes in and tells me that some black guy who was walking down the street (mind you this area is not very cuturly diverse) just got into my freshly restored 70 Monte carlo and drove off..she was insainlty crazy about it you have to call the cops...I looked at her real calmly and told her not to worry about it they make them everyday.....finshed switching my cloths walked outside and sat on the bench the hole time she was going nuts!!! 5 min later the car comes rolling back in and she starts jumping up and down pointing the car parks back in the same space BIG BLACK GUY gets out....with a brown bag comes over and sits on the bench opens up the bag hands me a beer and says I love that car..I give him the skinny now he starts to stare at her inside she takes her cloth out of the running machine throw them into a bag and makes a run out the other door...the 2 of us are laughing our ass off and so are a few others that watched the hole thing go down..

Makes me augh even to this day........

anyway any pics or things I might want to know about a body drop and issues that you learned could be avoided??
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