Air conditioning going bye bye
It may sound quite odd to remove a working OEM AC system however I really like the simplicity and cleanliness of the aftermarket AC systems. Not to mention I am not an OEM purist.. I know I know... Blasphemy!
Since the temps are near cooling off below 95 consistently I can remove the AC, and reinstall an aftermarket system next year in march.
I want something of course with a polished compressor, and be very very cold!!! I also want one that is all under dash and only has the 4 fittings going through the firewall.
I have factory AC in my cab so that would need ot stay the same as well.
I have asked this question before and want to know what everyones opinions are on the different manufactures of the different systems.
I would prefer a clean install with electrical instead of mechanical. this is the new millennium after all HAHAHA, clean engine bay and dont mind having an aftermarket control system on the dash..
What is out there? what have you used and show me some pics as many as possible.