Re: Need some help ID'ing this 6 cyl ps setup
Originally Posted by pritch
Is it just a bad angle, or is it sitting on the wrong right-side tower?
292s have that offset motor mounting. The passenger side mount is forward of the fuel pump. L6 250s/230s have symmetrical motor mounts. My guess is that GM did this with the 292 to counter act torque from the 1.75" taller engine. They had to have a good reason to necessitate this kind of production change, since it requires a special 292-only cam as well.
Unless it is a bad angle, too -- or maybe one or both the mounts are loose from what went on in the junkyard before he got it.
Hey Randy-- PM sent.
Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.
Last edited by '68OrangeSunshine; 09-30-2009 at 04:24 AM.