Re: Angled spark plugs
Originally Posted by texanidiot25
Look up the spark plug shields for a '95 Brougham with a V8. If I recall right, that's the one to look for, their only a few bucks a piece and grab onto the spark plug boot. Running them on a few plugs that are damn near resting on the pipe and have had no melted spark plug boots.
I can double check the application later, but from what I remember any of the LT powered GM RWD cars had them.
I tried finding this at Autozone... and I might as well been looking for a camshaft for a Mazda RX8...
Tell me truthfully... do I REALLY need a boot on my spark plug wire?
"The greatest pleasure is to vanquish your enemies and chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth and see those dear to them bathed in tears, to ride their horses and clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters." Ghengis Khan