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Old 10-01-2009, 01:15 AM   #10
El Jay
Gone to greener pastures
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Re: 80 gallon Air Compressor - what do you think?

Originally Posted by msgross View Post
NDT like testing?

the tank seems to be so thick I don't know if the corrosion would hurt it much... He does have a 60 gallon for $300 and it's newer...

I was also watching some government auctions in my area that have 15cfm setups with gas engines... prices are around $200 right now..

Yeah, Mike,, NonDestructive Testing

If you have any refineries, chemical plants, etc. in your area; you probably have several NDT cos.
Maybe you could find somebody to "moonlight" the job.

I'm not trying to "harp", or sound superior, or "holier than thou" to anybody.
I just happen to have a personal aversion to shrapnel.
Nobody really knows the history of the tank. Who among us drains the water out of their air tank everyday? I know I should, but I don't. I've been know to leave the compressor running for several days, just so I don't have to "waste time" recharging the air system in the morning. I've been going to install that "spitter valve" for the last 20 yrs., just never seem to get around to it.

In my personal experiences (none with air tanks, to be honest) with pressure vessel failures, they seem to be of 2 kinds; "Hey we have a 'weeper' on WXYZ vessel", or the failures are catastrophic. There just didn't seem to be much middle ground in that area.

I apologize to everyone for the very long post, but in my mind, personal safety is #1.

I'm going to ride off into the sunset on my high horse now.

'69 Chevy 1/2 T LWB Stepper: Daily Beater
'72 GMC 3/4 T Fleet: Another Daily Beater
'72 Plymouth Gran Coupe: ?

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Always fire two warning shots into your attacker's chest area before putting a bullet between his eyes. Paraphrased from Louis Awerbuck
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