Thread: Trazer Cap?
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Old 10-01-2009, 01:28 AM   #20
old man jimmy
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Re: Trazer Cap?

ok K, I believe ya. I don't know how we got into wreckers, dump trucks, and plows. LOL. That's kinda a new can of worms. It's just that I have a pet peeve with the ads I see all the time "dealer installed" this and that. I know it looks good on "for sale" ads. But is their even one person out their who can trully say, they know 100% that their roll bar (for instance) was dealer installed? And I don't mean po said this or that. I can't be the only person on this forum who still has the one they ordered new. By the way. My roll bar, tire rack etc. was Tom installed. (me)
By the way K. I'm just pulling your chain. No hard feelings what so ever.
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