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Old 10-01-2009, 02:19 PM   #2
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Re: Chassis upgrades, 47-54

i think i've heard of bolt in kits. maybe ftom tci. i personally think no matter what way you go. you will need to Adjust to fit. which usually requires some fab work. there are very few part's on my truck that i didn't make fit. If it was me i wouldn't shy away from weld in kits and have a pro install it... i know it's more expensive to have some one work on your truck, but weight the cost vs a part failing due to a weld at 70 mph. if your not headed that way maybe drop axels and a rear leaf bend to get you in the weeds. throw on a set of disk breaks and your there safely much cheeper than "new Suspension"
my 2 cents
1953 chevy 1/2 ton 5 window, chevy 350 330 horse 700r tranz, lowering spindels mustang 2 frount. ford 9", airbags on 4 corners . purchased in 1983 for $325 while in high school
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