Originally Posted by maxh
Travis got the truck built 5 years ago, and it was featured at SEMA 04. He kept the truck until early 07 i believe, then it was sold to an audio shop in Virginia. February 09 I decided to start looking for the truck thinking i might be able to "steal it" (price wise not literally) due to the economy. I found the owner thanks to a reply on mautofied. The owner was quite shocked at me looking for the truck. I asked if he wanted to sell it and he replied "sure for $35,000." I was 18 and that just wouldnt work. I told him to let me know if he ever actually needed to sell the truck to please let me know.
About a month ago now, he called again with a lower price. I told him the most i could pay and he took it! I talked to my boss at the GM dealer i work for and he approved buying it and in house financing it. 2 weeks later i was at the US Canadian border picking up my dream truck.
I know this truck has been a dream for alot of square body guys, and i know im very lucky to own it especially at my age. This is the truck that got me into the truck scene. I followed the build and read every article about it. I even went to visit Hills Hot Rods when i was 14 with my dad (drives long haul truck) because i had seen this truck in the magazines. You can ask CHEESE, he was there. I never thought i would own it, but now i do.
I can assure you all that Red Rocker will be taken care of. It gets parked inside everynight in a heated alarmed shop with about 20 other show cars. The plan is to drive it and show it up here where nobody has seen it yet, atleast not in person. I will not be taking any of the credit for it. Hills Hot Rods built this truck; their name is on the back window once again. It was Travis Noacks project, and it will always be that way.
thats awsome im from lethbridge to man. i seen the truck at corn fest. looked amazing and blew away every thing there. cant wate to see it out next summer.