I don't see this link on a lot of > Link pages,
I found them a few weeks ago looking for different dealers to get prices from and Holy Sh!t The smoked everyone I checked...
They even still have certain parts that have been discontinued.
Dealer cost On my items where $ 205.68, I got it for $ 141.35 Delivered.
I saved $ 64.33 and didn't have to call around or drive around.
Look at the invoice below,
some dealer prices I checked were higher than the avg list price they quoted that they should charge.
I just recieved my pkg in 10 days, all is excellent and was packed well. Parts were as original ( like the scroll markings on the Silverado door panel trim)
I only waited to post on them, till I made sure it was the real deal :

(ok -- and I didn't want anyone getting my parts if they were the last ones in stock)
You do need the original GM part number for this site. and they don't take phone calls.
I recommend it to anyone looking for quality GM replacment parts.