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Old 10-02-2009, 10:55 AM   #18
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Re: 1969 Blazer - Portland Craigslist -

I have to go with Critter and AZK5 on this one! There are three generations of blazer at best. I guess the rest are seperating the 73-75 from the 76-80 because of the whole top vs. half top change? Other than that and maybe some minor stuff unnoticeable to the average person the 75 and 76 blazers are pretty much identical. I don't know to me that isn't enough. To me a generation change is an entire body style change. To me even the 73-80 and 81 and up are basically the same generation.
I don't always drive trucks; but when I do I prefer Chevy's. Stay driving my friends.

'72 blazer 2wd build

67-72 Factory Big Block Registry
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