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Old 04-11-2003, 10:49 PM   #2
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Location: Parksville, B.C. Canada
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It depends on what your idea of "worth it" is, make yourself a wish list- what is most important to you? What's your budget? How and when do you use your truck-daily driver or weekend cruiser?. You can easily go nuts on these trucks, the skys the limit. But I would get the basics right first, brakes, tires, exhaust, etc.- all that boring stuff, not very exciting maybe but your truck is gotta be reliable. Also, if you start buying aftermarket stuff-wheels or whatever, don't get rid of the original parts-keep 'um, if you(god forbid) sell your truck, you may get more for it if it's "original" remember, these are classics, and as such an original stock truck will always be desirable and fetch a good dollar down the road. Just my .02 worth.
1969 G.M.C 3/4 Ton 920 (Canadian Version) 307 3 speed, currently apart
1998 Chevy 1/2 ton ex cab V-6 5 speed
1967 Chevy SWB - project truck; not started just yet
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