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Old 10-03-2009, 03:57 AM   #8
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Re: just sold my baby

So get this, the guy who bought my blazer calls after a week and says the frame is cracked at the steering box and had been cracked for a long time. I inspected it when I bought it and a couple times after and even had a guy interested in it bring his mechanic friend and they went through it pretty good and didn`t find anything wrong with it. He also says it`s smoking way more than just at start up which is what I told him it was doing for me. He called and asked if I would buy it back from him but I said the money was gone. We met up the next day so I could smog it for him and I looked at it and it was a fresh crack. I could see the shiny metel in the crack. He had also put over 900 miles on it in 9 days.

So tonight I`m on craigslist looking at blazers and I come across another 90. I open it up to find my old blazer twisted up on a hill/berm. That pretty much explains to me how the frame was damamged because I never had the chance to take it off road. I can`t believe this guy tried to pull this crap. The guy seemed a little shady but he had cash but next time I`ll be a little more carefull about selling a vehicle like this.
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